Branding Project
Variable Size
A fully-fledged identity project for a fictional company that rents out fully autonomous vehicles. It heavily plays on the theme of familiar safety and motherly love.
This was the second project which formed the first term of the second year of the FDA Graphic Design course. For this project, we were first introduced to the field of branding and identity design. The task required to select a fictional company and develop a working identity that effectively communicated a message that we chose to associate with said client. In my case, the client of my choice was a company that focused on rentable fully autonomous cars.
After research regarding the sector of AI-controlled vehicles, I found that despite there being a high interest for the driverless vehicle, there was also a high skepticism by the customer side to how untrustworthy the car computers themselves are considered. Therefore, to help my client to expand their customer base, I decided to develop the company's identity around a form of trust which everyone could understand: motherly trust. I then proceeded to build the entire personality around this concept, with the intention of indicating how the customers can fully trust the autonomous cars with their lives as they'll do everything to make sure that they have a safe and comfortable trip.
The name of the company also reconnects to this concept, as it's called MOM, and is the acronym for Meticulous On/Off Mobility, further highlighting the efficiency of the vehicles in safeguarding the life of the passengers. Finally, the last step was developing a series of mockups for the commercials which further highlighted the company’s trustfulness for its client with messages such as: "Trust MOM to take you home safely".
In conclusion, this was the project that interested me the most as it gave me an in-depth insight into the full process for the development of a working brand. In addition, it was extremely relevant for my understanding of identity production as I was able to comprehend that an effective branding campaign is one of the main factors which can make a company highly likable and successful.